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April news on the JForex 3 Dukascopy platform

April news on the JForex 3 Dukascopy platform

created Paweł MosionekApril 26 2017

In April, JForex 3, a proprietary platform Dukascopy based on Java, has undergone a series of minor updates. What news has the broker prepared for us? Some of them are small interface enhancements to improve user experience, and some are useful tools to support trading or analysis. Below is a list of recent changes.

You have to see: Review of the JForex trading platform 3

JForex 3 and simplified interface for Historical Data Manager

The module responsible for retrieving historical data has been simplified. Data settings such as time zone, filtering of "flatness" in the chart, price settings, etc. are read automatically from the Platform Settings. Additionally, the settings can be exported to a separate file and thus used alternately with others or transferred to another computer.

jforex 3 dukascopy update

Time in the Positions tab

At the bottom of the platform, in the Positions tab, you can add a new column - "Time". This field displays the order creation / position opening time.

Layers on the chart in JForex 3

"Chart layers" has been added to the top toolbar under the eye icon. In this menu, we can very quickly turn on / off the display of interesting things on the chart. Previously, to make any modifications, you had to enter a separate menu in the platform settings. Now we can make changes with two mouse clicks or ... Using defined keyboard shortcuts. Shortcuts are visible after expanding the menu.

jforex 3 update

Mute sounds

dukascopy clockIn the upper right corner of the platform, next to the clock, a "Mute" button has been added to mute all sound signals coming from the platform.

JForex Navigator 3 expansion

The Navigator window has three life-enhancing modifications:jforex navigator

  1. The number of open charts is shown in brackets (x) in the list
  2. Chart templates have been added to the list. They can be quickly plotted on the graph using the "hold and drop" method with the mouse.
  3. A connection filter with other panels has been added. If it is enabled then individual modules will be expanded when objects are added eg to a graph or code editor.

Full-screen mode

Charts and tables can be maximized to full-screen mode. The option is available under the F11 (on Windows) or Control-Command-F (for MacOS) keys.

Hooking objects

We can choose whether the object (from any end of it) will automatically hook up with a candle (low or high). The option is available under the right button in the settings of any object.

dukascopy objects

Two wicks on Renko charts

The ability to draw two shadows / wicks in Renko charts by the course has been added. By default, the option is active, but it can be turned off (JForex -> Preferences -> Chart -> Chart options). This option is useful for detecting highs and lows at longer intervals.

renko chart

New button in the order submission window

Button added "Open chart" in the window for placing new orders for the selected instrument.

dukascopy quotes

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About the Author
Paweł Mosionek
Active trader on the Forex market since 2006. Editor of the Forex Nawigator portal and editor-in-chief and co-creator of the website. Speaker at the "Focus on Forex" conference at the Warsaw School of Economics, "NetVision" at the Gdańsk University of Technology and "Financial Intelligence" at the University of Gdańsk. Two-time winner of "Junior Trader" - an investment game for students organized by DM XTB. Addicted to travel, motorbikes and skydiving.

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