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Another clone of the Tickmill broker - watch out for Tickmillfxpro.net

Another clone of the Tickmill broker - watch out for Tickmillfxpro.net

created Paweł Mosionek27 Września 2022

Less than two weeks have passed since the last warning, and another scam is circulating on the network that pretends to be an international broker Tickmill. Earlier we informed you about the CapitalWaysTrade clone. Now there is a new scam - tickmillfxpro.net. This time, the scammers went to an even greater ease and did not even bother to come up with new names or introduce noticeable changes on the website, but copied the broker's domain practically 1 to 1. Be careful what domains you enter, especially after clicking on ads or search results in Google.

Another clone of the Tickmill broker

The "clone" method involves the use of an image in the form of, for example, copying a logo, name, registered office address, license number or website. The goal is to impersonate a legally operating entity and gain the trust of potential customers, and consequently to extort funds from them. In this case, the victims are not only ignorant investors, but also companies whose image is used, and as a consequence they can be accused of fraud. Unfortunately, in many cases regulators act too slowly and only react after a series of reports from victims. Therefore, more and more often the brokers themselves inform about emerging scams that use their image.

In September, the fraudsters once again selected the Tickmill brand as their target. This time the scammer domain is tickmillfxpro.net. The homepage and some of the tabs have been practically cloned and the changes are really traceable. It is very easy to fall for the untrained eye. The main difference becomes apparent when you go to the account creation form, where the appearance of this tab is completely different from the original.

tickmill scam

A form of fraudsters impersonating Tickmill.

tickmill original

Original Tickmill form.

The domain is not yet on any regulator's warning list, but it's probably just a matter of time.

How to recover funds from a fraudster

MyChargeBack.com is an American company specializing in the recovery of funds extorted by unreliable companies and "scams" pretending to be honest Forex brokers, binary options brokers and cryptocurrency projects. If you've been scammed, there's a good chance that MyChargeBack.com will be able to help you!

We warn against using the services of unlicensed companies. Before opening an account, always make sure it is correct the broker has the appropriate regulations and permits at the indicated financial market supervisory institution.

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About the Author
Paweł Mosionek
Active trader on the Forex market since 2006. Editor of the Forex Nawigator portal and editor-in-chief and co-creator of the ForexClub.pl website. Speaker at the "Focus on Forex" conference at the Warsaw School of Economics, "NetVision" at the Gdańsk University of Technology and "Financial Intelligence" at the University of Gdańsk. Two-time winner of "Junior Trader" - an investment game for students organized by DM XTB. Addicted to travel, motorbikes and skydiving.

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