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Doge tokens: Floki Inu, DogeBonk. Shitcoins or a chance for huge earnings?

Doge tokens: Floki Inu, DogeBonk. Shitcoins or a chance for huge earnings?

created Michał SielskiNovember 5 2021

Bitcoin? You missed this chance, the second one won't happen again. AND Dogecoin? OK, it could have happened, but now there is no chance of earning millions from a few hundred zlotys. Shiba Inu? NFT? Okay ... Many investors keep saying that the best opportunities on the cryptocurrency market are behind us, but the truth is completely different - tokens are still being created on which you can earn huge money. You just have to follow the right trend. All variations are in vogue these days "Piesełów", referring to DOGE i shib. 

We will not write about Bitcoin here, because probably everyone has heard stories on this subject many times. Fortunes made on the most popular digital currency to this day ignite the imagination, but this is not just a story to come back to. Similar things happen practically every month. They are so unbelievable that they are hard to believe, but what they have in common is that they are real. So: we fasten our seat belts and ride the crazy roller coaster in one direction only: to the moooon!

Shiba Inu: from $ 3200 to $ 5,63 billion

To earn millions you need a lot of capital. And to earn billions? Most don't even think about it anymore. Meanwhile, quite recently it turned out that it is possible even with investments that many can afford. We have already written about an anonymous investor who purchased Shiba Inu tokens for $ 3400. The Shiba Inu is a breed of dog, the same that was used for the Doge cryptocurrency logo. 

It is not a great one blockchain project or just a joke - a cryptocurrency created practically solely for speculative purposes. And how successful in this respect. 2020 thousand invested in August 3,4 USD in tokens after a year were already worth ... USD 1,55 billion. Yes, this is not a mistake: it is about billions, not millions of dollars. It has been calculated that a person buying this cryptocurrency can boast a rate of return at the level of 94 278 239,8%. 

But there were more of them. We also know the case of another person who, thanks to the public portfolio, also made it to the top websites dealing with investments. However, she has bought Shiba regularly since August 2020 for a total of 44 times. The maximum purchase amount was $ 3200. The portfolio currently has a value of $ 5,63 billion.

SlumDOGE Millionaire bets on Floki Inu

inu coin flocksThis, however, is behind us. So where does the conclusion come from that more cryptoscene stars will appear on the horizon? Because they are already on it. One of them is e.g. Floki inu - another token with a dog, but not just any one, because it is owned by Elon Musk himself. Do you need more?

According to the twitter influencer hiding behind the nickname SlumDOGE Millionaire, there's no need to. This is Glauber Contessoto, a 33-year-old American who bought Dogecoin with all his savings in early 2021. A music industry worker did not regret it because, in short, he won his life. Now he bets that the biggest gains await Floki inu - a token that has already increased by Fr. 528,35%. 

“I am really trying to help people earn money and change their lives. I have been asked many times, "What's the best chance for me because I missed the dogecoin raid?" I've never had the right answer, at least until now. Floki is the way out " - highlights the cryptocurrency multi-millionaire.

Meme cryptocurrencies in fashion: DogeBonk on the attack

dogebonk coinNot all cryptocurrencies with a dog in the logo are merely speculative tokens. Some of them are really thoughtful projects that have a chance to increase their value by adopting them, for example, for daily payments or using them to cover transaction fees in the blockchain world. 

According to experts, one of them may be DogeBonk (DOBO) - a cryptocurrency that is even advertised on carriers in New York. It is distinguished by a rather unusual logo, on which the "dog" gets hit with ... a baseball bat. This is to be an obvious reference to the fact that it will soon capitalize all other similar cryptocurrencies. For now, in a week it increased its price by 794,88%.

Is it the end or is it just the beginning of growth? Or maybe another cryptocurrency will break out faster, which will allow for new millionaires to appear in a few months, who have previously invested amounts of several thousand? Everyone has to answer this question for themselves. Good luck!

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About the Author
Michał Sielski
Professional journalist for over 20 years. He worked, among others, in Gazeta Wyborcza, recently associated with the largest regional portal - He has been present on the financial market for 18 years, he started on the Warsaw Stock Exchange when the shares of PKN Orlen and TP SA were just being introduced to the market. Recently, his investment focus has been exclusively on the Forex market. Privately, he is a parachutist, a lover of Polish mountains and a Polish karate champion.