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How and where to look for investment opportunities in 2017 year? So XTB webinar with Trader 21

How and where to look for investment opportunities in 2017 year? So XTB webinar with Trader 21

created Paweł MosionekJanuary 17 2017

Are there any opportunities to earn money?

Stock prices in Russia increased by 2016% in 64. Raw material companies recorded similar results. Despite a very advanced boom, it is still possible to find unwanted sectors where valuations justify investments. Additionally, in extremely overvalued markets, such as the US, we have many fashionable companies that seem to be the perfect material for short positions.

To learn how to assess whether a given market is expensive or cheap and how to use knowledge in practice, all you have to do is sign up upcoming webinar with Trader 21 starring.

What will you learn during the training?

  • What to follow when assessing the value of the market
  • How to buy stocks or ETFs
  • How to effectively earn on declines and what are the risks associated with it
  • What markets Trader21 invests on

About the speaker - Trader 21

Investor, blogger, businessman. Already in college, together with a friend, he founded the first business, which turned out to be a hit. After a few years, all the companies that he controlled employed almost 50 people, and the total turnover exceeded PLN 20 million. In the meantime, he completed an MBA at the University of Illinois. Investing took care to manage capital surpluses in a reasonable way. He began his intensive education in 2008 year, learning the laws governing financial markets. The knowledge gained has allowed him to become an expert in the field of investment. His blog - Independent Trader regularly visits 60 thousand people. So far, he has written over 400 articles, gave dozens of interviews and led training while focusing on 2000 people.

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About the Author
Paweł Mosionek
Active trader on the Forex market since 2006. Editor of the Forex Nawigator portal and editor-in-chief and co-creator of the website. Speaker at the "Focus on Forex" conference at the Warsaw School of Economics, "NetVision" at the Gdańsk University of Technology and "Financial Intelligence" at the University of Gdańsk. Two-time winner of "Junior Trader" - an investment game for students organized by DM XTB. Addicted to travel, motorbikes and skydiving.

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