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The world of raw materials - Dorota Sierakowska [Book review]

The world of raw materials - Dorota Sierakowska [Book review]

created Natalia BojkoJuly 1 2020

Books on trading are usually divided into those that strongly theorize broadly understood markets and those that look at them from a practical angle. The second group should include "World of Raw Materials" written by Dorota Sierakowska. This is the first, Polish, reliable development of topics related to commodity markets. The vast majority of items in this thematic area are foreign books, which are often not translated into our native language.  We invite you to a short review of one of the best-selling analytical and investment readings.

Be sure to read: "You have to trust yourself" - interview with Dorota Sierakowska

"World of raw materials" completed the Polish book market

Looking for the answer to the question of whether it is worth reaching for the "World of raw materials", it is worth starting from the question of what it is at all. Of course, the title itself strongly suggests the subject of reading, but it's hard to look through its substantive value.  In an interview for us, Dorota Sierakowska said:

Dorota Sierakowska photo

Dorothy Sierakowska

"[..] I knew that such a book is needed on the Polish market because investors in our country did not have any Polish source of complicated knowledge about the foundations of raw materials markets and available financial instruments before. So I quickly decided to start working on the book. "

After reading the book, I am inclined to conclude that it fills the void on the Polish-language market for professional studies. In no chapter can you be accused of reading the imprecision or lack of transparency of the presented content. This is the first "national" reading that describes the operation of global commodity markets in a very reliable way.

Unveiling the secret

In my opinion, "World of raw materials" can not be called a guidebook reading. We find in it a lot of analytical content that explains such issues as the relationship between the prices of other assets, such as currencies, shares, etc., and commodity prices. They explain the most important factors (mainly macroeconomic) that affect the valuation of goods. Of course, the book also contains a collection of basics about commodity markets, in which it explains their operation.

Dorota Sierakowska in the book "World of raw materials" also presented issues that may help in the first steps on the commodity market. We will learn the practical side of investing in the raw materials market, both according to the most popular and less known methods.

A world of raw materials - for beginners and experienced

world of raw materialsIn my opinion, the book will certainly go more to novice investors or those who have never been interested in commodities before, but traded in other instruments. First of all, reading is not boring and does not have the impression that accompanies us when reading the encyclopedia. It is true that there is a lot of theory in it, but due to the fact that it must translate the concepts contained in it. Let's not forget that its main recipients are, however, people who have nothing to do with commodity markets on a daily basis. It is divided into two parts, in which a detailed explanation of issues related to raw materials can be found in the first chapters, and descriptions of possible exposures to them in the following. Is the book recommended for investors with a higher level of sophistication? I think so. It is must have, if we did not deal with the commodity market, but we have experience in trade. On the other hand, those who trade in raw materials on a daily basis will not waste time if they approach Dorota Sierakowska's work as if reading loosely.


The book is written in a really accessible language. It does not force and encourages reading, despite its large (over 363 pages) volume. The mind absorbs it extremely smoothly because of the simple and clear descriptions of the most complex market issues. We recommended reading to beginners who make their first steps in this market. Interestingly explained specificity of various goods, presentation of their prices in the context of various macroeconomic factors and the relationships with which they are combined with other assets, gives us a wide spectrum to make an objective assessment of the attractiveness of a given raw material. Additional support will be for us numerous graphics that diversify the content presented in it. The book "World of raw materials" has a big plus at our beginning, due to being a pioneer on the Polish investment reading market that would describe commodity exchanges so widely.

The book is available in the bookstore Join the Forex Club and take advantage of the -5% discount on purchases.

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About the Author
Natalia Bojko
Graduate of the Faculty of Economics and Finance, University of Białystok. He has been actively trading on the currency and stock markets since 2016. It assumes that the simplest analyzes bring the best results. Supporter of swing trading. When selecting companies for the portfolio, he is guided by the idea of ​​investing in value. Since 2019, he has held the title of financial analyst. Currently, he is the co-CEO & Founder in the Czech proptrading company SpiceProp. Co-creator of the Podlasie Stock Exchange Academy project (XNUMXrd and XNUMXth edition).

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