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SyncTrading - Changing a trader in our portfolio [TEST # 6]

SyncTrading - Changing a trader in our portfolio [TEST # 6]

created Natalia BojkoNovember 27 2020

Another week of testing SyncTrading from TeleTrade is behind us. According to our assumptions, at the beginning of the test, it was supposed to last exactly 10 weeks. Therefore, we are slowly approaching the end. When we looked at our portfolio of three traders, we noticed that one of them had not traded for a long time and is no longer listed by TeleTrade. Apparently he earned money and decided to take the time off :-).

We are not going to do it. So the time has come when we need to hook up to another signal provider in order to be able to take full advantage (and use the potential) of our traders in the last few weeks. So today we will choose another "employee" according to the previous assumptions and attach him to an already abandoned account. I invite everyone to a short summary of the last two weeks!

Check it out: What is SyncTrading TeleTrade and copy trading

Safe trader

Although we were struggling with a significant loss about 3 weeks ago, from the observation of the safe account, it appears that the trader is slowly starting to go straight again. He did not make large deals. He returned to the old style of trading, which is of course a plus for him. Nevertheless, this account is still in the red and if it were not for the fact that the aggressive signal provider provided us with a solid profit, the rate of return would not be so good. 

1asp sync trading

Currently on our account is 4140,25 €. There are currently no open positions on it. After analyzing the closed transactions, you can see that he is keeping himself in line. As a reminder, we copy this provider at a rate of 200%, which means that our account has twice as many items. 

Aggressive trader

By changing the order in which we discuss each account a bit, we'll first move on to the trader with the most aggressive risk profile. Overall, it generated another profit in the last two weeks. It may not be as impressive as a month ago, but it still goes up. 

1fcx sync trading

It is currently on our account 6514,03 €. Trading still continues with the same currency pairs. We did not catch any "suspicious" orders in the transaction history. He currently has a lot of open positions, which is typical of him. Usually he holds them for several days. 

New trader in the SyncTrading portfolio

Due to the rest of our supplier, we decided to choose another one to replace him. We followed the same rules as at the beginning of the test. Therefore, the choice fell on a trader whose indicators are similar to the previous one. 

copy trading

It starts with a little more capital left over from our previous trader. There is currently an amount in the account 5618,94 €. As you can see, the new supplier is in the medium risk range. Drawdown of 61,93% is quite high, but the bonus on Sharpe's indicator rewards him. 

social trading

We connect the trader according to our assumptions, i.e. 100% copying (1: 1). We will not change this parameter for now. We will wait for his first transactions to determine if the size is sufficient for our account. 


Currently, the situation on our SyncTrading accounts is as follows:

  • Safe trader: 4140,25 €
  • Moderate trader: 5618,94 €
  • Aggressive trader: 6514,03 EUR
  • Rate of return since test start: + 8,49 %

forex rate of return

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About the Author
Natalia Bojko
Graduate of the Faculty of Economics and Finance, University of Białystok. He has been actively trading on the currency and stock markets since 2016. It assumes that the simplest analyzes bring the best results. Supporter of swing trading. When selecting companies for the portfolio, he is guided by the idea of ​​investing in value. Since 2019, he has held the title of financial analyst. Currently, he is the co-CEO & Founder in the Czech proptrading company SpiceProp. Co-creator of the Podlasie Stock Exchange Academy project (XNUMXrd and XNUMXth edition).