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Today Pizza Day, the 10th anniversary of the purchase of two pizzas for 10 thousand bitcoin

Today Pizza Day, the 10th anniversary of the purchase of two pizzas for 10 thousand bitcoin

created Michał Sielski22 May 2020

On the occasion of the round anniversary of Pizza Day, Coindeal cryptocurrency exchange offers a refund of pizza ordered on Friday by its customers. In this way, he wants to commemorate the event, when one of the first miners mining BTC proposed on the forum that he would pay 10 thousand. bitcoin the person who orders him two pizzas. He spent the equivalent of $ 40. Today these two pizzas would be worth around 93 million USD.

The first miners who excavated Bitcoins did not even dream about the prices that cryptocurrencies will reach in the near future. They did it more for the idea, to show the world that alternative finances are possible and do not need to be controlled from above. They remembered the recent financial crisis, and its effects were still visible in the economy and in everyday life. The cryptocurrency was supposed to be resistant to shocks in the world of traditional finance.

One of the first miners was a resident of Jacksonville, Florida, Laszlo Hanyecz. It was he exactly on 18.05.2010 in the forum that he wrote that he would exchange 10 BTC for two pizzas with home delivery. After 4 days, the transaction was completed. At that time, it was valued at around USD 40, because the BTC price fluctuated around 0,4 cent. So you can say that Laszlo bought two pizzas at a market price.

Pizza Day, or the anniversary of the worst deal in your life?

On the other hand, initially Bitcoin mining was much easier and faster. Our hero in fact did not pay anything for it - apart from the costs of electricity used to connect to the network, but at that time he could do whatever he wanted: work or play games.

He apparently liked the pizza, because in the following days he was still ordered to have dinners for the transferred Bitcoins. Apparently 10 times. In the end it became so popular that he gave up because there were too many takers.

“Well, I didn't expect it to be so popular, but I can't afford to keep doing it because I can't generate thousands of coins a day. Thanks to everyone who bought me a pizza, but I'm holding the action for now " - he wrote in less than 3 months after the first purchase.

Full the thread of this discussion is always available and still new comments appear in it.

Laszlo Hanyecz bought a pizza for BTC also in 2019

Just over 9 years after the first purchase, Laszlo Henyecz once again bought two pizzas for Bitcoins. This time, however, he took part in a project promoting the Lightning Network, which allows you to significantly accelerate cryptocurrency transactions and reduce its costs. He paid his friend in London 2 BTC and the transaction fee was USD 0.00649.

“This deal shows how the Lightning Network can work in day-to-day transactions. It didn't have to be my friend. A local pizzeria itself could accept Bitcoin directly through its Lightning Network node. The point is, with the Lightning Network, we can get Bitcoin security and instant transactions. You do not have to wait for confirmation on the blockchain " - told Laszlo Hanyecz.

Experts also agree that our hero did not spend all the dug coins on pizza. He never answered the question how many of them he left behind, but even if it was "only" a few thousand, he doesn't have to worry about what tomorrow will bring.

Feel like Laszlo Hanyecz, order a pizza

Pizza day also decided to celebrate Polish giełda kryptowalut CoinDeal. She announced that she would refund the equivalent of buying a pizza to anyone who meets several conditions:

  • a pizza cannot cost more than the equivalent of $ 15,
  • take a picture with a pizza and a receipt and send it to:,
  • will make a purchase or sale transaction for the selected cryptocurrency on CoinDeal.

The refund will be made in Bitcoins or CDL exchange tokens. If you choose tokens, CoinDeal returns 1,5 times the price of the pizza.

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About the Author
Michał Sielski
Professional journalist for over 20 years. He worked, among others, in Gazeta Wyborcza, recently associated with the largest regional portal - He has been present on the financial market for 18 years, he started on the Warsaw Stock Exchange when the shares of PKN Orlen and TP SA were just being introduced to the market. Recently, his investment focus has been exclusively on the Forex market. Privately, he is a parachutist, a lover of Polish mountains and a Polish karate champion.

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