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Money Matters - Make Influence [Saxo Bank]

Money Matters - Make Influence [Saxo Bank]

created Forex Club17 March 2022

The possibility of quick earnings? Temptation by high volatility? Or maybe a completely new way to simple and effective trading? Not this time. New campaign Saxo Bank adopted a completely different and unprecedented format in the world of Forex. Conscious and thoughtful allocation of capital can have a positive impact on all of us - and that is at the heart of the campaign "Money matters".

money matters

Financial markets are full of emotions. From greed to fear to total "Anesthesia". Kim Fournais, CEO and founder Saxo Bank, decided to present his vision of the tool that is money, which influences the shape of the modern world.

In the series of 5 animated films, the authors of the campaign, it might seem, make banal statements, but when looking around, it is impossible to get the impression that hardly anyone remembers them. On the other hand, a series of myths or phrases like "the money does not bring happiness" and/ or "Capitalism destroys the earth" they have even imprinted themselves in our lives and most consider them to be unquestionable truth. But is it really so?

Kim Fournais, CEO of Saxo Bank, comments:

“At Saxo, we cannot change the financial industry ourselves, let alone perceive it. And we cannot erase the evil. But I think it's time to start a discussion of what money and financial systems really are - and how we want to use their potential in the best possible way. It is this potential that I would like to invite everyone to reflect.

However, this requires tackling some false truths - some even created by the financial industry itself. It requires us to start asking ourselves what kind of wealth we want and then taking a position on how to create it. ”

We invite you to watch five short films that can change the perception of your future investments.

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Forex Club
Forex Club is one of the largest and oldest Polish investment portals - forex and trading tools. It is an original project launched in 2008 and a recognizable brand focused on the currency market.