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I Can't Trade Project - PLN 100 on Social Trading

I Can't Trade Project - PLN 100 on Social Trading

created SigTraderApril 4 2017

Social trading, signal trading, accounts PAMM / MAM - many terms, but everything goes the same way. Get paid for Forex market without deciding when to buy, sell or close a position. A trader with over 10 years of experience starts social trading tests with a deposit of over PLN 100. Is it possible to earn money like this? Is any experience needed? Or is it just gambling? We will know the answer to these questions in the near future.

The project started in January 2017. Initially, I limited it to a few bills. Over time, signals increased, some were also extinguished. At the moment I have 14 managed accounts on which is currently the equivalent 110 thousands of zlotys (USD 13, PLN 360, EUR 45). As time goes by, I have more and more ideas, so probably these numbers will change soon.

Several popular Social Trading platforms will be used to copy transactions.

Initially, the design was meant to be only "for myself", not published or described anywhere. I partially consulted the selection of signals with Paweł (Forex Club), who at one point asked me: "Over 10 years of experience - what do you need these signals for?". Then I told him about my idea, which interested him very much and he managed to convince me to start a cycle in which I will share my experiences, strategy and results with you.

SigTrader - who I am

34 is on the back of the neck, the first position on the real account opened in 2006 year and from that time it is still present on the market. Thanks to this, I probably have more experience on real accounts than 90% of people who read about my project :). Unfortunately, experience is not everything. In recent years, I also became a husband and father, which forced me to find a more stable source of income - my own company. This + raising a child very effectively limits the time available for trading, and unfortunately - the less time, the worse results. I will not be able to organize more free time temporarily, so I thought that I would approach the subject from the other side.

I am convinced that you can earn good money on the Forex market. I also know that there are many talented traders who live from it and want to share their skills with others. Thanks to this, social trading has become so popular in recent years.

Social trading and the "I can't trade" project

The goal of the project is simple - check if you can make money on FX without having:

  • free time,
  • knowledge about the market (well, maybe little knowledge, in the end you have to choose these signals somehow).

In the next article I will describe the main assumptions of the project and publish a link to the current statistics on MyFxBook, and not only.

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About the Author
Trader present on the real market since the 2006 year. Currently, I run a cycle called "I Can not Trade Project" in which I share my experience and results by trading in the Forex market using Social Trading platforms. The total value of deposits exceeds 100 000 PLN.