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New version of the TMS Brokers browser platform

New version of the TMS Brokers browser platform

created Paweł Mosionek11 Września 2017

On September 4, TMS Brokers released a "new" version of the transaction platform in the browser version for clients using Trader and Connect accounts. The quotation marks are not accidental, because the mentioned platform is MetaTrader 4 WEB, a product known for several years.

The novelty kills the novelty

Not so long ago, because at the end of April this year, TMS released a refreshed version of the TMS Trader web platform, which we reported here. In our opinion, this application leaves a lot to be desired and differs from the competitors in terms of technical capabilities. Most likely, this opinion is also shared by their clients, and the effect of this is the cessation of the development of the current, proprietary broker's product. TMS Brokers informs that the "old-new" version of the WEB platform will be active only until the end of September, after which logging in via a web browser will only be possible on MT4.

TMS Brokers: The future is in… MetaTrade 5

At the same time, in its announcement, TMS Brokers announced that it is working intensively on the introduction of another platform - MetaTrader 5 - both in the desktop and web versions. TMS will be the second Polish broker to offer the product MetaQuotes marked with "5" (unless they are noticed by anyone 🙂). Thus, it is another signal that the end of MT4 is getting closer ...

Be sure to read: Over 170 brokers offer trading via MetaTrader 5

But this is not the end of news from TMS. The broker announces the launch of a completely new mobile platform - SmartTrader - but does not reveal more details about its capabilities and appearance.

The message reads:

“Dom Maklerski TMS Brokers is constantly working on the development of technology so as to provide you with access to the most modern tools. Therefore, the next step of TMS will be the introduction of the MT5 platform in versions - browser and installation, and a completely new mobile application SmartTrader. "

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About the Author
Paweł Mosionek
An active trader on the Forex market since 2006. Editor of the Forex Nawigator portal and editor-in-chief and co-creator of the website. Speaker at the "Focus on Forex" conference at the Warsaw School of Economics, "NetVision" at the Gdańsk University of Technology and "Financial Intelligence" at the University of Gdańsk. Twice winner of "Junior Trader" - investment game for students organized by DM XTB. Addicted to travel, motorbikes and parachuting.