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Poczta Polska has its own NFT and focuses on digital collecting

Poczta Polska has its own NFT and focuses on digital collecting

created Michał SielskiSEPTEMBER 19, 2022

Oversized giant on clay legs, eternal delays, lost letters and parcels, a postman leaving a delivery note, even though we were at home, long lines at points, rising prices and puffed up ladies behind the glass - unfortunately, this is what most of us associate with the Polish Post Office. You can say everything about it, but certainly not that this company sets trends, is innovative and modern. But are you sure? Poczta Polska has just issued the first unique ones NFT tokens on the Web Polygon in the ERC1155 standard and does not intend to stop there.

A special website dedicated to the NFT was launched on October 18, 2022, on the Liaison Day. On the site there is an offer of digital collecting. For years, stamps have been a hit of the post office, and the philatelic community has amazed with its commitment and persistence in collecting all the stamps issued by the post office. 

NFT from Poczta Polska

Now, Poczta Polska wants to create a new philatelic community, presenting an offer in the field of digital collecting. The first 1558 customers who subscribe to the newsletter will receive the August Philatelic Thaler. In the first quarter of 2023, the issue of the cryptocurrency stamps "Poland in space" will begin.

Thaler is the first digital product in the mail collection. 

- The concept of issuing the first Polish cryptocurrency is the result of a combination of a passion for philately and modern technologies. Each of the four types of cryptocamps consists of two elements: a traditional postage stamp and a digital part represented by unique NFT tokens in the Polygon network in the ERC1155 standard - says Daniel Witowski, press spokesman of Poczta Polska.

There will be 1558 NFT from Poczta Polska

In total, the post office will emit 1558 NFT. The number is symbolic, because it was in 1558 that King Sigismund Augustus "established a permanent postal connection between Krakow and Venice via Vienna, using the post office, that is, horses'.

The postal offer will be available in some branches and on the website

- As a company, we combine traditional and modern digital functions. In our promotional campaign, we refer to King Zygmunt August, who founded the post office in Poland, and at the same time we have prepared the Polish cryptographic stamp system, which is not only a combination of traditional postage stamps and cryptographic technologies, but also a complete environment creating a digital philatelic community in Poland and in the world. I am committed to the entry of Poczta Polska into the world of technology in various areas of our activity. I believe that philatelic activity can be a very interesting, future-oriented solution  - emphasizes Krzysztof Falkowski, president of Poczta Polska.

Stamp and NFT in one

In the first edition, each stamp will be associated with a unique NFT token. It will be broadcast in four different categories. The last, fifth category will be exclusively in the form of digital NFT. 

Interestingly, the NFT will be very cheap at the issue price. The cheapest cryptocurrencies will be sold for PLN 18,50. 

But this is not the end. Although the collection is just beginning, the post office already has plans for its development. In addition to the additional category of stamps, available only in digital form, the cryptocurrency ecosystem will also consist of dedicated philatelic tokens with social functions. So you can see that the project is well thought out and its roadmap seems interesting. This may mean that the interest in NFT tokens will be much greater than in traditional stamps. But will they be assets that - like many other NFTs - will allow you to earn huge amounts of money? Probably not, but - as you know - in the world blockchain this cannot be ruled out.

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About the Author
Michał Sielski
Professional journalist for over 20 years. He worked, among others, in Gazeta Wyborcza, recently associated with the largest regional portal - He has been present on the financial market for 18 years, he started on the Warsaw Stock Exchange when the shares of PKN Orlen and TP SA were just being introduced to the market. Recently, his investment focus has been exclusively on the Forex market. Privately, he is a parachutist, a lover of Polish mountains and a Polish karate champion.