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The second edition of the Birthday Promotion of Membership in SII

The second edition of the Birthday Promotion of Membership in SII

created Paweł MosionekNovember 20 2014

The Association of Individual Investors ends the celebrations of the 15 anniversary of its activity with the end of the year. As in the previous year, SII wants to end the celebration with a bang and for the second time opens itself to new members, without forgetting the current ones. A special offer has been prepared for Forex Club members (details at the bottom).

At the end of 2013, SII began celebrating her birthday. And there is something to celebrate! Over 10 000 members, thousands of legal interventions, hundreds of educational trainings, hundreds of analytical reports and educational texts and dozens of large WallStreet and Professional Investor conferences. And this is only part of the activities that the employees of the Association deal with on a daily basis, which since 15 has been actively educating and supporting investors and working to improve the functioning of the capital market in Poland.

The Association and its members are the strength and inspiration for action, which comes from year to year. Being aware of the high demand for protection of rights and continuous improvement of education among investors, the Association undertakes a number of activities, and offers its members many benefits, including:

  • education and analysis - conferences and trainings (including the largest in the country WallStreet and Professional Investor), publications (e.g. Akcjonariusz bimonthly, eBiuletyn NewConnect), stock market analyzes (including SII Portfolio, ATrakcyjne Companies, IPO Reports, Investor Mood Index);
  • protection of rights - protection of investors' rights, ongoing interventions, legal support, participation in general meetings of public companies, opinion-making activities and influencing the legislative process;
  • discount - offered by the Association's partners to SII members (for: stock exchange commissions, publications, training, etc.),
  • and investor services - tools to facilitate investment.

The birthday promotion of membership in SII lasts from 18 November to 7 on December 2014. Only during those days, the price of the year-long membership is reduced to PLN 79. For persons extending membership for the next year - 79 PLN. This is the last such opportunity, because from December XMUMX, the price of membership in SII will be raised.

Each person using the offer receives benefits for over PLN 400:

  • Forbes e-subscription for 3 months for free (value: PLN 29,70), note - limited number: 1000 pieces,
  • OpenCard card valid for 3 months (Poland's largest DinersClub, which offers attractive discounts to the best restaurants in Poland, more information on the website) worth PLN 89,
  • full access to Legimi website valid 3 months (in the database of 5000 e-books with a value of 99 PLN,
  • an annual subscription on the and websites with the value of 198 PLN.

We strongly encourage you to join the SII. Take advantage today and get it!

More information HERE

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About the Author
Paweł Mosionek
An active trader on the Forex market since 2006. Editor of the Forex Nawigator portal and editor-in-chief and co-creator of the website. Speaker at the "Focus on Forex" conference at the Warsaw School of Economics, "NetVision" at the Gdańsk University of Technology and "Financial Intelligence" at the University of Gdańsk. Twice winner of "Junior Trader" - investment game for students organized by DM XTB. Addicted to travel, motorbikes and parachuting.