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Win the book "How to enter the world of cryptocurrencies safely and without haste"

Win the book "How to enter the world of cryptocurrencies safely and without haste"

created Forex Club6 Września 2023

Cryptocurrencies have permanently entered the world of trading and have become a popular speculative instrument. But it is a market with a completely different specificity than the stock, currency or derivatives market. Cryptocurrencies are not only dynamically changing prices on charts, so in order to be able to interact with them effectively, it is worth having elementary knowledge about these instruments. The book provides it brilliantly "How to enter the world of cryptocurrencies safely and without haste" by Rafał Łapac. This is a position for the lazy who want to find out what all the hype about the crypto market is all about, without reading the often boring and very specialized articles. We are fresh after reading and we have to admit - it is worth recommending. review of this item you can read here. Meanwhile, we have prepared a competition for you in which you can get one of the two copies. Are you ready to have fun? 🙂

The Forex Club is the patronage of the book's publication "How to enter the world of cryptocurrencies safely and without haste". He is the sponsor of the event prizes Sloth Publishing House.

In order to participate IS NOT registration or transfer of any personal data is required.

Competition task

Bitcoin is the undisputed king of cryptocurrencies, which accounts for about half of the market's capitalization (there are currently nearly 10 crypto projects). Therefore, our competition task could not be different than just trying to predict the price of BTC in the near future :-).

Predict the Bitcoin rate at 23:00 on September 08.09.2023, XNUMX (Friday).

  1. The answer should be provided in the comment section under this article or under the competition post on the Forex Club fanpage on Twitter (HERE) or Facebook (HERE).
  2. The next two tips win!
  3. In the case of many correct answers, the order of applications will decide.
  4. Time for responding expires 6 September (Wednesday) 2023 at 23:00 Polish time, which gives 2 full days "Inertia".
  5. The benchmark for deciding the results will be dinner "Ask" of the Bitcoin instrument from 23:00 Polish time on September 8, 2023 on the platform Binance.
  6. We will select the winners within a maximum of 3 days from the end of the competition. Prizes will be shipped within the next 7 days.

We encourage you to have fun!


To win 2 copies books "How to enter the world of cryptocurrencies safely and without haste". The shipping cost is covered by the Forex Club.

"How to enter the world of cryptocurrencies safely and without haste"

Rafał Łapac's book is a comprehensive guide to the cryptocurrency industry and explains the most important issues in an accessible way. This makes it primarily intended for those who are just starting their adventure with kryptowalutami, they do not really know, for example, what blockchain is and how to distinguish altcoiny from… shitcoins.

Where to buy

The book is available in 4 different formats (paper, ebook and audiobook) at prices from PLN 69 to PLN 149 (for the entire package). Purchase can be made directly from the publisher's website at the button below.

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About the Author
Forex Club
Forex Club is one of the largest and oldest Polish investment portals - forex and trading tools. It is an original project launched in 2008 and a recognizable brand focused on the currency market.