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Already have your f-you money? If not, find out what to do!

Already have your f-you money? If not, find out what to do!

created Michał SielskiSEPTEMBER 26, 2023

F-you money is a term that is causing a sensation in the USA, but is still relatively unknown in Poland. It's a pity, because building financial independence is something that almost all of us can afford. And we don't have to earn above-average income for this.

Yes, you guessed it right. Title F-you money it's money that allows you to tell your employer the first part of that refund at any time. Of course, we do not recommend using these words literally, regardless of the situation, form and reasons for the breakup...

Despite this financial pillow (a nicer word, right?) is incredibly easy to accumulate. Of course, we ignore random events, such as an incurable disease requiring expensive treatments, etc. But everyone, literally everyone, who earns something is able to save part of their earnings. How big? This, of course, depends on how much we earn, but not only that.

Average savings in Poland are... PLN 10. PLN per person. It's nothing. There is no doubt about it: we are a poor society, most of whom live paycheck to paycheck. This majority has no savings. However, they often have loans that they have to repay every month. If they lost their job, they would have to find a new one as soon as possible. And in a hurry, with average education and skills, you often have to agree to work below your qualifications. And also below the last salary, so it becomes more and more difficult to add something and the cycle of helplessness starts to spin...

Step by step to financial freedom

That's what the book is about "Step by step. About financial freedom and a prosperous, fulfilled life" JL Collins. The author is a millionaire, but not because he invested in Bitcoinwhen it was created. He did not buy Apple shareswhen no one believed in them. He also has no patents, royalties for songs recorded by his grandfather or similar passive income. However, he has one but very important feature that he follows in life: common sense.

It was he who told him to calculate what to invest in. No emotions, no dreams of beating the market or professionals trading millions. After a short analysis of all long-term investments available on the market, it turned out that they offer the highest rate of return over the years shares of listed companies. But how to choose them, how to find the gems? Well, you don't have to, and in fact you can't, unless you want to count on luck or earn much less than others, in which case there is an 80% chance (this is also calculated).

The easiest way is to buy investment units of a fund that reflects the value of the index of all companies listed on the stock exchange - in this case the American one, but the same funds operate in many countries, including Poland. However, the US economy is considered the most stable and resistant to crises, and with a global market, even we have no obstacles to investing in funds or ETFs based on them.

What's more, it doesn't require huge sums of money. The key is regularity. Some of us will probably have to give up something and spend less on consumption. But there are also ways to really do it "free money", which are, for example, available to all full-time employees. This is the PPK system, which - mainly due to the economic illiteracy of Polish society - is not popular, although both the state and the employer MUST subsidize the money we save. Currently, for people who have been saving for two years, the subsidy amounts reach 50%! There is simply no other completely safe and state-guaranteed investment that would give such a return. And hardly anyone uses it. Maybe they haven't read JL Collins' book yet?

About the author of the book

JL Collins is an author, financial expert and blogger who gained international fame for his blog where he shares tips on achieving financial independence. Collins believes that the most important tool for building wealth is stocks and index funds, which he explains in his book "Step by step. About financial freedom and a prosperous, fulfilled life". Its goal is to convey the value of financial freedom and teach readers how to achieve financial independence through long-term investing.

Where to buy

The book is available in bookstore at the price of 84 PLN.

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About the Author
Michał Sielski
Professional journalist for over 20 years. He worked, among others, in Gazeta Wyborcza, recently associated with the largest regional portal - He has been present on the financial market for 18 years, he started on the Warsaw Stock Exchange when the shares of PKN Orlen and TP SA were just being introduced to the market. Recently, his investment focus has been exclusively on the Forex market. Privately, he is a parachutist, a lover of Polish mountains and a Polish karate champion.